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Parents with children 0-5. Fees generally $185 for 16 classes, discount for additional siblings.

The Music Together approach develops every child's basic music competence by experiencing music rather than learning concepts or information about music. We believe that music is as basic a life skill as walking or talking. All children can learn to sing in tune, keep the beat and enjoy participating in our musical culture with confidence. We help facilitate the natural, in-born development of your child's “musical intelligence”.

Infants coo, gurgle, and flex their torsos in response to music. Toddlers shake rattles, bounce to the beat, and sing occasional notes. Three-year-olds often have favorite songs and instruments to play and can lose themselves in music. Four-year-olds like to have an effect on the activity - creating ways to move or inventing new words to songs. They may play teacher and lead the family in their favorite activities at home.

oldwiki/places_to_go_and_things_to_do/classes_to_take/music_together.txt · Last modified: 2017/12/19 19:52 by admin

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