(2 servings, increase as needed) * 2 medium cucumbers, preferably garden-fresh * 3-4 T Cardini's Caesar dressing (not low fat or fat free variety) * fresh ground pepper to taste Peel cucumbers and cut in half lengthwise and then into slices about 1/2 inch thick. Put cucumbers in serving bowl and dress liberally with Cardini's Caesar. Grind black pepper over and serve. (If you're using garden cucumbers it looks nice to peel off the skin in strips so the finished pieces have some green peel showing. If you only have store cucumbers, I recommend cutting of the skin completely.) source: http://www.kalynskitchen.com/2006/08/easy-south-beach-recipes-cucumbers.html tags: CSA, vegetarian, low-carb Cucumbers Caesar is a great recipe for any phase of the South Beach Diet. I think it would taste great with Sauteed Scallops with Garlic or Curried Chicken on the Grill with Cilantro Chutney. For phase two or three, add something like Indian Spiced Lentils or Barley Salad with Lemon and Mint.