Katsuo Dashi (Basic Dashi Stock) This stock, which is the basis of many sauces and soups, can be refrigerated for up to 3 days. ===Ingredients=== * 2 1/2 x 1 1/2 in. (6 x 4 cm) dried kelp (konbu) * 7 cups (1 3/4 liters) water * 4 cups (50g) dried bonito flakes ===Technique=== - Wipe the kelp with a damp cloth, then put it in a saucepan with the water. Bring to a boil uncovered; just before the water comes to a boil, remove and discard the kelp. - Sprinkle in the bonito flakes and remove saucepan from heat. As soon as the bonito flakes start to sink, strain stock and discard bonito flakes. Helpful hint: Instant dashi granules (dashi-no-moto) make a quick alternative if small amounts of the stock are needed; however, for soups and stock for simmered dishes, it is preferable to make your own dashi.