MAKES 1 1/2 TO 2 PINTS Granita does not require any special equipment and is effortless to set up with ingredients you are likely to have on hand. Unlike sorbet, granita is grainy in texture. Serve with a big dollop of fresh whipped cream. ===Ingredients=== * 3 3/4 cups hot brewed espresso or strong coffee * 3/4 cup sugar ===Directions=== Place the coffee and sugar in a shallow pan and mix until the sugar dissolves. Set the mixture aside until it reaches room temperature. Transfer to the freezer. Using a fork, stir the mixture every 15 minutes until frozen, about 2 hours. Serve at once. Recipes and introduction adapted from Recipe of the Week: Ice Cream (Wiley 2008), by Sally Sampson. source: Boston Globe Magazine July 20, 2008 tags: vegetarian